Venus Flytrap Soil

Venus Flytrap Soil (what they do best in guide

Venus Flytraps need specific soil and will wither (or completely die) in traditional potting soil.
You’ll need to purchase a soil mixture specific to carnivorous plants. Additionally, you could also
do a 2:1 mixture of sphagnum peat moss and horticultural sand instead. Some gardeners
choose to use perlite rather than sand.

You must keep the soil of your venus flytrap moist. Don’t waterlog your plant, but also avoid
letting it dry out. Be careful, though, as you mustn’t use tap water for your carnivorous plants.
Venus Flytraps are very sensitive to the minerals and additives common in tap water; instead,
you need to use distilled water, collected rainwater, or water from a reverse-osmosis system.
By using the proper water and soil for your Venus flytrap, you’ll have done two of the most
important things for keeping your plant alive and thriving.